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We use essential cookies to improve your experience on our websites. Privacy Statement

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Terms and Conditions

- Acceptance by us of your booking brings into existence a legally binding contract between you and us on these terms and conditions.
- Medical information must be completed for every participant in advance of activities and provided to us prior to taking part. All declared medication must be on your person for the duration of the activity.  Failure to present required medication will result in the participant being unable to partake in the activity.
Declaration of medication can be in the form of a Group Details Form or will have been completed upon booking if done so via our online booking portal.  Failure disclose or provide this will result in the participant not being able to undertake activities and no refund will be payable.

 Activities and risk
- Participants agree to abide by the instructions of the activities instructors with regards to the activities undertaken and the guidelines provided.
- You accept that there will always be some risk involved in the activities we offer. Although we believe the risk level is low and tolerable you must decide yourself to accept this. This residual risk is inherent in the activity and cannot be eliminated without devaluing the activity or the reason for doing it. The risk is generally confined to a similar level that a normal child involved in normal active play may experience or a normal adult involved in normal active recreation.
- All visitors are responsible for ensuring they have their own transport available during their visit.

Duty of care and loco-parentis
- Where young people under the age of 18 are left under the duty and care of Longridge employees with no legal guardian in attendance, a clear transition of responsibility must be recorded in the form of a signature detailing the time this responsibility is transferred in the initial instance and then again upon returning the responsibility back to the acting legal guardian.  Any transference of responsibility outside of the regulated timings must be communicated in advance. *Not applicable to Row the Atlantic, those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. 
- Where a legal guardian or person acting as loco parentis is present during a visit, all young people under the age of 18 years of age must be supervised whilst on site and not engaged in activities. In this instance, Longridge employees are only responsible for participants during an activity session.

Invoicing and payment
- Full payment of your booking must be made prior to completion of the online booking.
- No refund will be given in the event you wish to cancel your booking. Bookings are non-transferrable, and dates cannot be changed. For any amendments that can be made (at least a month in advance), there will be a £5 admin charge per amendment. Enrollments/bookings cannot ever be swapped between courses (for example a Holiday Activity Day cannot be swapped to a All Water Day as these are different courses). Spaces that are paid for but cancelled by the person who made the booking will be offered to local groups that support young people from less advantaged backgrounds - Young Carers, Helen & Douglas House, HAF, etc.
- No refund will be given due to failure to attend. The government no longer offers any kind of protection or refunds for any covid related absence, and due to the government removing all covid restrictions this is also no longer covered by any insurer. Therefore, unless the government guidance is to change and protections are put in place, there is nowhere for customers to get a refund due to covid related absence. Therefore covid, as with any other illness, will count as failure to attend and will not be refundable. 
- In the event of cancellation by us, unless caused by your failure to meet the requirements and conditions set forth in this Agreement, we will reimburse in full all fees paid, or transfer to a replacement booking, or credit for a future booking, at our sole discretion. Any credit note will remain valid to redeem for 1 year from the date issued.
- We shall not be liable to a refund of fees or for any other penalty should a booking be cancelled due to war, fire, industrial action, accident, weather or any other cause beyond our control.
- Should weather conditions, including river conditions, become unsuitable for some activities it may be necessary to alter the planned activity program. In the event of cancellation we will make all reasonable attempts to arrange an alternative date for the activity to run.
- You are able to purchase trip insurance from a third party insurer if desired. We have repeatedly asked our insurers to cover us for additional instances that might prevent a young person attending, but the cost quoted is so high that we would then have to raise our prices above what is accessible for so many of our guests. Therefore if you would like to purchase trip insurance please contact your usual travel insurance provider.

Longridge Code of Conduct

Longridge enables and encourages all young people, their youth groups, schools and leaders to use the site for activities and accommodation. As a charity we have limited resources and therefore need our visitors to respect and help us maintain our centre by behaving responsibly and making all members of your group aware of the following information. 
Site Behaviour
- To promote health and well being, smoking is not permitted in any of our grounds or activity areas. 
- All sites are dry sites.  No alcohol is to be consumed or brought on to any site.  This is in the interest of safeguarding and health and safety.
- Please dress appropriately around site, a minimum of a short sleeved top, knee length shorts and footwear is to be worn at all times around the centre. 
- Please do not swear. Staff and visitors are to be treated with respect and integrity.  
- Visitors are to listen and follow instructions given by staff at all times.
- All equipment and facilities must be returned in the same (or better!), condition to where found.
- We try and look after our sites, but can accidents happen. Please notify us of any breakages and/or damages, these may be charged for. 
- Help us be clean, tidy and environmentally friendly, please place any litter in a bin and where possible, one of our recycling bins. 
- Please make sure you take everything with you, all personal property brought on to site is to be taken home. Left possessions will be kept for one week and then donated to charity as we have insufficient storage facilities for the high quantity of property left behind.
- Longridge operates a zero tolerance policy to drugs. 
- Visitors unable to behave with respect and integrity may ultimately be asked to leave the centre and their activities cancelled, for which a refund will not be offered.
Entire Agreement: These terms and conditions cannot be varied except in writing and signed by a director of the charity. In particular, nothing said by any person on behalf of the charity should be understood as a variation of these terms and conditions or as an authorized representation about the nature or quality of any services offered for sale by us. The charity shall have no liability for any such representation being untrue or misleading.